La Vie de Jomanda

The Jomanda Club is growing!

Sun June Moritz Brandel, aka Sunny, was born on March, 11, 2022 at 10:53PM. She weighed six pounds nine ounces and was nineteen inches long.

We are all happy, healthy, and huddled up at home. Sunny is definitely sleeping enough. The parents (and Miss Piggy)…not so much yet!

Sunny’s birth would not have been possible without the guidance of Jennifer and Monica at LA Midwife Collective and our doula, Liz Rossi. We had planned to give birth at home, but after more than three days labor, Sunny came into our world at Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California under the care of Dr. Karla Iacampo and her wonderful team.

The First Two Weeks
